The Best Clients I’ll Ever Defend

Is every potential client a good fit for you? Before you answer, think carefully: every single one? Fairly often, I get quizzical looks when I tell people that I work almost exclusively with small non-profit organizations and very small mission-driven businesses.
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How to Outline Your Business Plan

A business plan outline is designed to take the stress out of writing your plan. Yes, every small business should have a plan. If you don’t, it’s like trying to drive to an unknown destination without a road map. It’s highly unlikely you’ll get there in one piece.
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The Importance of Corporate Vision

If you are a leader in your organization, share your vision consistently. If you are not sharing your vision at least every thirty days, your team doesn’t know it. A clear vision inspires, unifies, and gives powerful focus.
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Prioritize to be Most Effective

While I agree with Ben Franklin’s idea, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” countless companies have wasted time and money on strategic plans that are collecting dust. People spend lots of time planning but very little time turning those plans into daily actionable tasks. Some suggest that putting your goal in the mirror so you see it every day will make it come true.
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Why Would I Pick You?

Marketing 101 is that you need to understand how you’re different from your competitors. It is perfectly logical: if you cannot differentiate yourself in terms of what you sell, how you sell it, or why you sell it, the only differentiator left is price.
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