8 Keys to Entrepreneurs Who Can Make New Markets

The ultimate compliment that any entrepreneur can get is that they can “see around corners.” This is a statement that they are willing and able (and successful) at projecting market and technology turns, not just straight-line innovations. They have the courage to make bold decisions, often contrary to conventional market research.
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The Best and Worst Traits of an Entrepreneur: Which Do You Have?

You may be an ambitious and energetic person planning to start on your own. But ambition and energy alone aren’t sufficient to take you to the next level. I have met, observed, and studied several entrepreneurs. I have found that they possess some specific traits that played a key role in the eventual success or failure of their businesses.
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Position Yourself as a Trusted Brand

When your mission in business is to create a product or service with integrity and to earn a reputation as someone who cares about people more than earning money, you’re on the right track. One company I love to use as an example of establishing a trusted brand is Honest Tea.
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How to Cure WhirlyBrand

Is your brand in a whirl? Many a CEO have ignored the signs and are afraid to contact their brand doctors. Some fear the embarrassment of having to admit that they have long ignored the obvious and suffer from denial. Many simply have no idea why they are suffering and are just confused and anxious.
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Simple Partnership Start-Up Tips

When a business venture involves forming a partnership, following a few simple tips prior to start-up will help protect everyone involved. Whether your partnership is for a long-term commitment or a short-lived union, these following 5 strategies can ensure a happy and successful legal partnership.
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