A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Advertising for Small Businesses

Television and internet production technology and business concept

Advertising has transformed dramatically over recent years. Digital advertising for small businesses can open up a vast landscape of opportunities previously dominated by larger companies with substantial marketing budgets.   As we begin our series on digital advertising, this introductory article will set a firm foundation for understanding digital advertising by highlighting key concepts, essential…

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Top 6 Secrets to Increase Your Business Digital Presence

In today’s marketplace, it’s vital to build a strong online presence to ensure you achieve your business goals. With more than one billion websites on the Internet, getting lost in the crowd is easy, so don’t lose any more time and think about strategies to improve your online visibility. According to Forbes, up to 90…

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How A Digital Adoption Platform Benefits Your Business

Adding new software to your business operations isn’t easy, especially when you’re a small team that has no clue where to begin using it. Time spent learning is time spent not making the cogs of business turn, and that’s bad news for small businesses who can completely grind to a halt when a new process…

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B2B Marketing Outlook: Strategies to Grow Your Startup in 2022

Image Source: Pexels The pandemic has significantly changed the digital marketplace. So much so that several industries have had to sprint up a mountain full of difficulties just to stay competitive. B2B industries were no different. In 2020 47% of them suffered from budget-related issues, including purchase freezes. However, B2B seemed to be one of…

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What Parts of Your Online Presence Should You Work On Most?

https://unsplash.com/photos/hBuwVLcYTnA Your online presence can have a huge impact on whether your business moves up or down, all dependent on your digital footprint. You can only do so much on your own, however, while digital agencies offer a whole range of digital services to make your business a great success online. Typically, they offer a…

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How To Choose The Right Digital Adoption Platform 

Technology continues to evolve and improve business processes. You can boost the simplicity and ease of operations through the adoption of relevant technology. One of the leading technologies is the digital adoption platforms (DAPs), which help you and your employees learn new software through improved user experience. In addition, DAPs guarantee you proficiency on any…

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How Digital Transformation Is Empowering SMBs During the Pandemic

In addition to threatening our personal wellbeing and healthcare systems, COVID-19 has jeopardized the stability and survival of enterprises, hitting small to medium businesses (SMBs) particularly hard. Unlike larger companies, SMBs have fewer assets, smaller cash reserves, and a lean business structure leaving them unable to significantly shrink expenses by cutting less-essential positions or processes. …

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4 Ways To Train Employees On New Software

Business owners and managers are scrambling to digitize their operations and equip their workforce with the tech literacy they need to thrive during Covid-19 and beyond. But many are stumbling or failing outright when it comes to introducing new software to their workers. Thanks to shoddy introduction strategies, a failure to follow up on initial…

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What Audiences Want

It’s official: Physical and digital engagement is paramount for effective customer engagement. No matter what age, gender or location, consumers around the world agree that when it comes to brand interactions, personal, trusted and reliable omnichannel engagement is THE preferred option and choice. Over 85 percent of 2,000 global consumers surveyed by the Chief Marketing…

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