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5 Marketing Technology Challenges that All Businesses must Solve

Technology has a significant impact on everything. As a matter of fact, technology is disrupting pretty much everything we thought we knew or believed. Nowadays, consumers are increasingly connected and distracted easier than ever before….


Move Your Store Online- Now Is The Time

COVID-19 will forever change the way people shop As a local business person perhaps you have thought about moving your store online. Despite recent headlines brick and mortar stores are still making many times more…

How to Fix the HTTPS Not Secure Error

What is HTTPS? HTTPS stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”. It is an internet protocol that allows for the secure flow of information between a server (website) and client (whoever is accessing the server). HTTPS…

Boosts Your Sales With Mapping Software

It doesn’t matter what type of business you run; you likely want to implement new strategies that increase your effectiveness and increase your sales. To make this happen, consider the benefits of using Excel mapping…

Do These 3 Things to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure

We all want to keep our businesses as safe and secure as possible. Creating a startup is never going to be easy and you’re going to have to invest a whole lot of time, effort…

If Your Business Doesn’t Have a Mobile App, Read This

Mobile apps have become one of the best ways for companies to connect with their target audience and let them know about their services. In 2018, global mobile app revenues amounted to over 365 billion…

If You’re Acting Like a Leader, You Might Just Be a Scrum Master

What comes first to mind when you hear the term, scrum master? It may sound like something related to gaming but trust us; it’s nothing like that. It’s actually a term which is relevant to…

Phishing Is Up During COVID-19 – Are You Prepared?

In the realm of cybersecurity, do you think you are covered? 74% of hackers say they are rarely impressed by an organization’s security measures. So why aren’t they impressed? Are your firewalls not tall enough,…

Beginners Guide to Running a More Efficient Small Business Using Tech

Technology has stimulated constant, rapid evolution in business. Whereas few offices had their own computer 50 years ago, computers are now crucial for every business. Companies that want to keep up with consumer needs and…

Preventing An Internet Meltdown In The Age Of COVID-19

Everyone probably knows that Seattle was assaulted with a heavy outbreak of COVID-19. Consequently, they have faced shortages in medical supplies and food for the needy. But did you know that Washingtonians were facing internet…

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