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How to Incorporate Data Visualization on Your Website

Infographics help take complex data and make it more easily digestible. Whether you want to share statistics or you need to explain complicated concepts to your users, data visualization is a must for your business…

Increase Conversion Rate with Great Landing Pages

The goal of advertising online is to increase conversion rates – a term which refers to the number of people who decided to visit the website and purchase the products and services. All forms of…

Can You Take Your Business Online with Shared Hosting?

Already running a business but in a traditional way? Why not take it online? Taking your business online today has become extremely important. Without an online presence, you won’t be able to reach your target…


Why Your Website Must Prioritize Function Over Fancy

The Internet has been around for a very long time. The first public websites were founded in 1991. The first for-profit websites were launched in 1993, including Bloomberg and IMDB. The number of websites has…

6 Great Tips for New Macbook Users

Purchasing a new Macbook may leave you wondering about certain things, particularly if you have been using Windows before. Macbooks continue to grow in popularity thanks to their performance, neat features, and a plethora of…

3 Mobile App Marketing Trends to Follow in 2021

A study shows that 80% of action triggers with mobile searches and 70% of Americans owning Smartphones, mobile is revolutionizing businesses in every way. When it comes to both brick and mortar owners and online…

Make These 5 Small Changes & Watch Your Website Grow

Most businesses today have a website, and the fact is, you have to have a website if you want to be successful. Many businesses forgo a physical location entirely, instead electing to operate totally online…

Operational Data Store vs. Data Warehouse: What’s the Difference?

Data has become so ingrained in how business is done these days that data storage is now considered a core component of business intelligence. Data quality and processing speed are now vital business considerations, helping…

Are Header Tags Important for SEO?

While they may not get quite the love that other HTML tags like title tags and meta descriptions do, well-optimized header tags are an important part of any on-page SEO optimization.  In this article, we’ll…

What is Low-Code Development & How It Can Help Digital Transformation

Until recently, the only way to create a mobile or web application was to master a programming language, get familiar with UI/UX design principles, and learn QA basics — or hire developers to all of…

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