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Holiday Sales Go Up: So Does the Risk of a Cyber Attack
The holiday shopping season not only brings a boost in sales but also an increase in cyber theft. Thieves prefer to target small- to medium-sized businesses because so many lack the resources or expertise to manage cyber-security effectively.
5 Quick and Easy Ways to Ramp Up Your Online Security
Let’s face it, the reason you started your own business was hardly to wear the hat of system admin and spend your days worrying about the security and impregnability of your online systems, customer data and IP, was it?
The Most Common Problems During Conference Calls
To better understand how Uberconference can be a practical solution for your small business, I’ve put together a list of common problems experienced during conference calls and how Uberconference addresses these issues.
Life After the Conversion
With the average conversion rate on the web quoted at around 2–3%, it’s obviously an uphill battle just to get a conversion. But should your fight end there?
Is Your Creative Business Making These Critical Mistakes?
Time and again I find creative entrepreneurs flying by the seat of their pants and making the same deadly mistakes in their businesses. So today we’re going to look at two of the biggest, and how you can avoid them.
5 Ways Technology Can Significantly Improve a Small Business
Technology is found everywhere these days. From the classroom to the grocery store to the office building, some forms of technology exist in almost all facets of our world.
Holiday Shoppers Are Going Mobile: Is Your Small Business Ready?
About the only smartphone or tablet application you may not encounter this holiday season is one that is capable of carrying your packages. The marketplace has gone mobile, with everything from price-checking apps, all the way to map-apps that show you where to find that sought after item inside a particular store.
8 Free Bootstrapping Business Tools
Free stuff is great. Free stuff that helps your business is awesome. While there are many free business apps screaming for you to play with them, I’m going to focus on 8 of my favorites.
How Can I Find the Top Business Security Camera Companies Online?
Many home and business owners find the Internet to be a convenient source of information, especially when they need to find products and services. Here are tips for finding the best business security camera companies online.
Taming the Big Data Beast
It’s the 21st century and we are all glued to our phones. Between Facebooking, tweeting, and emailing, we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily. Because of this, consumers are forcing companies to perform in new and innovative ways. And with that comes big data.