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8 Ways Unified Communication Helps Enterprise Collaboration

The need for collaboration in business and enterprise settings has always been a priority. However, the advancement of communication technologies now allows for an unprecedented level of quality interactions between business collaborators.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Service Provider

The process of IT systems migration to the cloud comes with a number of challenges: audit of your current IT infrastructure, prioritizing the transfer of IT systems in the cloud and, of course, the choice of cloud service provider.

Almost Half of Phishing Attacks are IT Related

Employees should be educated about the risks of phishing attacks, and learn to deny requests for authentication credentials, even from the IT department.

Mobile Apps: How They Can Help You Grow to the Next Level

When small businesses harness the power of mobile marketing, they expand their reach, attract new customers and increase customer loyalty. Additionally, mobile outreach helps the business to learn more about their audience.

5 Vital Steps for Small Business Cyber Security

In the Medieval times—the age, not the dinner theater—all they had to worry about were the bugs that lived on rats. Today we have to contend with super bugs that resist the most powerful antibiotics, along with bugs, viruses,Trojan Horses, malware and hackers that plague the virtual world.

7 Must-Have Features for a Small-Medium Business Accounting System

As a business owner, why settle for accounting software that isn’t working for your business? The ability to expand and increase your profits hinges on your ability to control and track your revenue; otherwise, you are doing your business a disservice.

eCommerce Today: A Brief Overview

The eCommerce landscape is rapidly changing and in order to better understand these changes, we’re taking a look at the “eCommerceToday” infographic, by CueCommerce.

What Should My Business’s Mobile App Include?

Are you toying with the idea of developing a mobile app for your business? Do you think a mobile app would benefit your business but you’re stuck as to what it should include?

Best IT Solutions for 2014

Businesses that make connections between IT investments see an improvement in performance. Here are some technologies that you can get in order to help you not only solve small business problems, but also hopefully see an increase in revenue and productivity.

Taking Surveillance of Your Small Business Operations

According to a survey conducted by the University of Cincinnati, about 64 percent of small businesses said that they had experienced employee theft. One of the most effective ways to prevent theft is to install surveillance cameras in your store, office or other facility.

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