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Understanding Franchise Territories

When it comes to franchise territories, bigger doesn’t always mean better. Here are tips from Franchise Solutions on understanding franchise territories when considering buying a franchise.

Elements of a Successful Value Proposition Strategy

In order to make that statement functional and useful to you, though, there are certain features you should be sure to incorporate. Your value proposition should not only be clear and concise, it should also be precise, specific, and targeted to your target audience.

Cheap Market Research Methods for Startups

In the startup world there exists the myth of the “perfect idea.” Many entrepreneurs become so caught up in pursuit of this mythical event that they never take any action on the seemingly mundane or unoriginal ideas that they do have.

Choosing a Franchise: Executive or Technician?

The American Dream—owning your own business—is the source of plenty of great stories. One is the story of the technician: the lady who makes such great cupcakes that all her friends encourage her to open a bakery. The alternative is the executive style franchise.

Essential Steps to Launch a Startup, Part 3

When you have the startup capital you need to get down to business and you’ve acquired the resources you need to begin making money, you’re almost ready to open up your doors. First, though, you have to make sure you are doing all everything required to operate within the bounds of the law.

3 Simple Steps to Getting More Customers Than the Competition

If you are like most small businesses, your website was probably designed by a local web designer in HTML, without any search engine optimization (SEO). By now you have realized that the web is more important than the yellow pages and potential customers probably not finding you.

All In: When is the Right Time for Entrepreneurs to Take the Jump?

When you’re looking to transition your company from being a garage-based weekend project to a full-time venture, it can be difficult to know what transition points to look for.

Why You Should Borrow Equipment for Your Small Business

Contrary to what many entrepreneurs might think, it actually is not always the best idea to use your own money to buy pricey equipment for your company. But when your small business needs equipment—and does not have the funds available to buy it—what can you do?

Why You Need to Dive Deep into Duende

I just spent three days in a hotel on a lake in Georgia, in a room filled with creative people, art, inspiration and poetry. I was at Patti Digh’s first annual Design Your Life Camp.

5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Finding a Business to Own

Franchise Solutions offers some mistakes you’ll want to avoid when finding a business.

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