Advertising and Lead Generation

3 Ways You Could Be Wasting Advertising Money

Businesses must rely on good advertising to bring them customers. It’s very difficult to generate organic leads and create a strong brand without it. However, the money poured into company advertising schemes isn’t always well…

An Unexpected Advertising Strategy That Pays Off in the Long Run

I’m not sure I’d believe any modern entrepreneur who tells me that sharing their work wasn’t part of the reason they succeeded. Most of us could never have gotten this far without the advice, processes and entire…

Why Free Consultations Don’t Attract New Clients

A complimentary half-an-hour or one-hour consultation is a marketing tool that many service providers implemented as part of their customer acquisition strategy long ago. While it is an easy and investment-free way for a potential…

How to Measure Offline Advertising with Google Analytics

<rant> Since I’ve been in the digital space, I have worked under the title “web analyst,” using “web analytics” tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and WebTrends. However, the preface “web” is misleading. The term…

7 Ways to Avoid Online False Advertising Claims

A lot of business owners don’t realize that advertising is regulated by both the federal and state governments. Any advertising that deceives or misleads can be considered unlawful. Even if you didn’t intend for the…

Are You Ready to Go Native?

One of the things I both love and hate about the marketing industry is the constant quest for creating the hot new thing. Sometimes, there really is something that is so new and innovative, like…

5 Keys to Crossing the Chasm to Mainstream Customers

Every technical entrepreneur is an early adopter of technology, so naturally they build things with people like themselves in mind. Unfortunately, for most solution markets, early adopters represent only 10 to 15 percent of the…

Emails That Nurture Leads

Sending emails may be considered in this day and age the soon-to-be dinosaurs of digital marketing but the truth is they are still effective, if you do them the right way, that is. Now you…

What a Local TV Commercial for Your Small Business Should Look Like

There’s a reason companies spend thousands, and sometimes millions, of dollars on TV ads. They work! They reach a huge audience and bring people into stores to make purchases. Commercials must really be effective for…

Discover the Yin and Yang of Marketing Alliances

There is strength in numbers and if you can form alliances with other businesses, you can grab some additional marketing strength. Earlier this year, I outlined a system and some tools you can use to find other…

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