Run and Grow
Where Are You Listening?
Do you still have a customer service number that you promote on your product packaging, website, or collateral material? Do you get many snail mail letters from disgruntled customers? How about drop-ins, asking to speak…
4 Essential Shipping Tips for Small Businesses
With any business, there is a range of costs in the general day to day running. One of the highest costs for your business can often be shipping. You can expect these figures to double…
How to Expand Your Business into a New State
Growth. It’s the reason your business exists, and the only reason it will stick around. When it comes time to serve customers and markets in new states, don’t let legal requirements take the wind out…
This is One Important Reason to Communicate With Your Customers
It shouldn’t take a study or report to emphasize the importance of customer communication. It’s one of those duh things to do. After all, you can’t succeed without customers. Yet, lack of communication is rampant, whether in…
Feel Like You’re Down to Your Last Customer? Try This.
What would you do if you were down to your last customer? Maybe you’ve been losing customers, either to a competitor or to a general economic downturn. Or maybe you’re just starting and only have…
Worst Question to Ask a Customer: How Can I Help?
One of my sources for blog topics is my friend, Brent Adamson. The other evening, Brent and I were trying to solve the problems of the sales world. I actually think he was trying to…
7 Tips To Keep Your Team Ahead Of “Business As Usual”
Many small businesses are now realizing that “business as usual” might be gone forever. With social media and smart phone apps, real product information spreads at astounding speeds. Entrepreneurs who are not listening, not engaging,…
Don’t Just Rely on Experience to Succeed – Studying Can Improve Your Small Business
Anyone can start a business and make it a success with experience. However, sometimes experience alone might not be enough. There are many aspects of running a business that can be improved upon through study…
How to Become a Digital Nomad: 6 Practical Tips
Until recently, digital nomadism was an excellent alternative to the traditional model of working for those bored with their daily routines. Nowadays, as we observe the COVID-19 pandemic evolve dramatically at a global scale, work…
3 Simple Ways A Small Business Can Save Money
A small business usually operates on some very lean margins to be able to price competitively, but now so more than ever. Overprice and then lose business to your competitors. Price too low and you…