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7 Legal Risks of Doing Business Online

If you have an idea for a service or a product, you can start an online business. With modern technology, starting a business has never been easier… The web eliminates the immediate need for a…

General Liability Insurance for Business: What It Does and Doesn’t Cover

As a small business owner, you may have been tempted to throw your hands up in frustration at the intricacies of insurance. It sometimes seems like the entire point of insurance policies is to make…

Words Have Value, Too!

A lot of time and energy is spent quantitatively analyzing the results of surveys. The survey may be based on metrics such as customer satisfaction, NPS, customer effort, or customer experience. This quantitative analysis may…

Will Tech Kill Your Job?

Stop me if you’ve heard this story before. “My job as a (newspaper publisher telephone installer, stockbroker, travel agent, retail store manager) is safe as this economy continues to grow.” Yup. Thought so. We are in…

9 Steps to a Balanced Business: Purpose vs. Execution

I’m a big proponent of building your business based on a higher purpose, rather than financial gain alone. Today I find that some entrepreneurs, are putting all their focus on a social or environmental cause,…

What Every Employer Should Know About Salary Negotiations

After a long candidate search, you’ve finally found someone who seems to be the ideal match. And, if they’re excited about the prospect of working for you, the situation is almost perfect. But, after a…

4 Ways Finding and Retaining Customers Starts with Management

The goal of management in any business is finding ways to create customers. This means sound policies for developing relationships not just with existing customers, but with as many potential customers as possible. Here are…

A Mixed Bag of Personalities: How to Handle Difficult Customers

We’ve all been there as children, standing in front of the sweets counter deciding which sugary treats to buy. My decision was always made up when I saw a big bag of jellybeans. I’d spend…

Why Workplace Health is an Employer’s Responsibility

One of the major healthcare controversies of the past few decades has centered around the role of businesses in paying for their employees’ health-related expenses. Although much of the debate has been centered around health…

Small Business in a Time of Technophobia

If there’s one thing that absolutely will not stop, it’s the inexorable march of technology and innovation. Unfortunately, too many small business owners either don’t understand or are plain ignorant of this fact. According to…

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