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The Legal Side of Your Website
Understanding what information your website needs to legally provide for visitors is important for website administrators and business owners. Failing to offer the necessary information to customers and site visitors can put your organization in a legal bind.
Why Your Company Needs a Buy-Sell Agreement
Think about a buy-sell agreement as what you need in the event you want to buy out a partner or co-owner. Also, what will happen if a person who is part of the business heads off to what they think are greener pastures?
How to Avoid a Weak Brand in a Post-Patent World
Patents. They’re great things aren’t they? Have you given any thought to the day when that patent runs out? Maybe it seems so far away, that it simply isn’t on the radar.
What You Need to Know About Business Law
When you start a business, you will need to figure out the legal requirements that apply to your business and the laws that you need to adhere to.
Get Your Business Legal Ready for 2014
We’ve entered the home stretch of 2013 and the holidays are in full swing. The next few weeks will be hectic for everyone, but particularly for small business owners as it is easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. It’s time to take a moment to stop and make sure your business is “legally fit” for 2014.
How to Successfully Hire the Right Attorney for Your Small Biz
Previously, I’ve written about how professional advisors are an ace in the hole for small businesses. Many of you have responded by inquiring how to choose and work with the right attorney for your small business.
Is This Partner Arrangement Fair?
I get these emails, summarizing one side of an argument, asking me to guess or comment on fairness. For example, in an email I just received, the one asking me has worked for 18 months “with significant intellectual contribution.”
When Do You Need a Company Lawyer?
Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been up and running for a while, now’s the time to consider having a go-to lawyer for your business. When you actually need an attorney in live-time, you’ll lose valuable time sharing your books, ideas, questions, and issues.
5 Startup Legal Shortcuts That Can Be Expensive
Although every startup is unique, there are certain common avoidable mistakes that can lead to legal complications that jeopardize the long-term success of the business. I’m not suggesting that every startup needs a lawyer, but you should definitely pay attention, and not be afraid to consult legal counsel if any of these raise qualms for you.
After LLC Formation, What’s the Next Step?
After you form a limited liability company, the first thing you should do is draft an operating agreement. And if you’ve already formed a limited liability company or you’ve already formed any kind of entity, you want to draft the equivalent of an operating agreement, as an internal document among co-owners.