Valerie Wilson

Valerie J. Wilson is a freelance writer who covers issues related to business, marketing, and education.


When Do You Need a Company Lawyer?

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been up and running for a while, now’s the time to consider having a go-to lawyer for your business. When you actually need an attorney in live-time, you’ll lose valuable time sharing your books, ideas, questions, and issues.

How to Get Great Business Travel Deals

Whether you’re a private consultant paying your own bills (and tracking carefully for tax write-offs) or working for a massive company, you are surely being urged from one source or another to scale back your business expenses.

Understanding Alternatives to Typical Credit Card Merchants

Most of us have heard of eBay’s PayPal, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the trajectory of the corded phone attached to the wall to Bluetooth technology. The way we take credit cards online is traveling through the same kind of historical shift in a comparable way.