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Molding the Next Generation: More Than a Third of Business Owners Lack a Retirement Plan

Retirement is a subject many small business owners either deliberately shelve or shy away from taking any meaningful action. Research conducted by online resource center Manta indicated that 34% of nearly 2000 small business owners…

Common Workplace Frustrations and How to Overcome Them

Frustration at work can be difficult to deal with, leaving us unsure who to turn to or what to do. It can soon become overwhelming and end up in negativity and disappointment to the point…

4 Simple Strategies for Pulling Out of an Entrepreneurial Funk

There’s nothing quite as fulfilling as launching your startup and seeing it through its first few months or years of infancy. You get so addicted to its success that you spend all your waking hours…

Silence Kills

I had to call United’s 800-number the other day to change an existing ticket. At each step of modifying my ticket, the customer service rep would have to key in some data and then there…

Stop Reading (Just) Sales Books!

Reading is important to our professional development and growth (not to mention the scientific evidence of how it improves our cognitive capabilities). Far too few business and sales professional actively read as part of their…

How to Avoid Closing the Door on Chance

Inherently, we entrepreneurs are an optimistic bunch. We paint visions of success in our minds and we set exuberant goals to get there. Sometimes things go wrong and we write them off as bad luck. But…

Leaders Need to Change First Before Organizations Change

In our last article, we discussed Transformative Leadership and Change Realization. Now let’s discuss the importance for leaders to understand their own need to change first before an organization can change. Leaders Need to Evolve in Order…

Are You Uncomfortable with Home-Based Workers?

Do home-based employees work with the same dedication and productivity as those in office cubicles next to each other? That depends upon the management as much as the employee.  I have a friend who is…

What to Do When Snopes Rejects Everything You Believe!

See if you’ve ever been caught in this personally embarrassing social media scenario: You find something in the news that gets your blood churning because it aligns perfectly with your thoughts and opinions. You post…

3 Easy Ways to Maximize Your Small Business Resources in 2018 and Beyond

They say the devil is in the details, and this is very true when it comes to business—especially small business. Little costs add up. If you want to avoid them, you’re going to need to…

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