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4 Processes of Effective Project Management

When it comes to the field of project management, just about every business, no matter how big or small, has their own path and processes to ensure everything runs smoothly.  Whether a small local business…

Why Does Change Management Sometimes Fail?

We’ve all faced many changes this year, and while some of them have been managed well, others have meant great anxiety, stress and ultimately, have not resulted in the change that was expected. Change management…

This is How To Make Meetings Work Post-Covid

Covid-19 has resulted in a number of changes in the way that people work. Because of the health risks associated with in-person meetings and working in the office, work has shifted online and where people…

3 Perfect Gifts for Employees During the Pandemic

It has been a crazy year! A year in which working from home became the standard and celebrating the holiday abroad was no longer an option. Also 2021 will be a little different this year……

Employee Feedback Is as Necessary as Customer Feedback – Here’s Why

 “Feedback is the most essential ingredient for maintaining proper growth for a business” – These words have stood strong for businesses across the globe for determining the long-term success of an organization. Businesses today are…

7 Success Factors When Your People Are The Solution

The critical success factors for a product business are well known, starting with selling every unit with a gross margin of 50 percent or more, building a patent and other intellectual property, and continuous product…

Don’t Innovate From Want–Do It From Need

Most innovations come from responding to a customer’s needs, or finding a niche where products need improvement or extension.  It is rare to innovate using a blank sheet of paper in a room with bare…

Coaching The Un-coachable

I had the honor of participating in a webcast on coaching, with Lori Richardson, Jason Jordan, and Mike Kunkle. A question that rarely comes up was, “What do you do if a person is un-coachable?”…

This Is The Phrase That Persuades

It’s not a magic bullet; it is very powerful. For years I’ve shared with individuals and audiences a phrase that – when used appropriately, correctly, and at the right time – might just be one of the…

6 Traits of a Great Leader

Great business leaders don’t merely reach their goals of achieving growth within an organization; they carry themselves in a way that garners the respect of those around them. By observing great leaders, we can gain…

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