Leslie Gilmour

Leslie Gilmour runs Cube SEO a digital marketing company in Dublin, Ireland. He has found a great worth in being a member of mastermind groups, and prefers to be the least successful within the group – that way he can learn more. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.


for rent sign outside of a house

Advice for First-Time Landlords: Here’s What You Need to Know

If you are not familiar with the trials and tribulations of property management, you might think that being a landlord is the most straightforward job imaginable. After all, owning a property is a stable source…

5 Signs Your Company Needs a Business Coach

Running a new business is like riding a roller coaster. One moment, things are looking great for your company and you are being super productive. Next thing you know, everything starts to look like it’s…

How Digital Transformation is Changing Employee Expectations

As technology grows smarter and more critical in the workplace, many things are changing. The concept of digital transformation involves the adoption of digital technologies and their implementation into every area of your business. It…

Did You Know? Minimalism is a Trending Brand Strategy

Design is a very important aspect of a brand strategy. After all, it’s through the design of a business website, logo, and so on, that the brand can become memorable and recognizable among its target…

Must-Have Checklist for Running a Great Business Event

According to Forbes, event planning was the fifth most stressful profession of 2017. Those who take event management lightly usually realize the scope of their troubles a bit too late. If you want to stay…

Do Mastermind Groups Help with Business Growth?

The concept of a mastermind group is much older than most people would think. Namely, it was described and analyzed by one of the pioneers of self-help – Napoleon Hill. He looked at the most…