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Yes, You Should Care Whether Your Employees Like You
Some leaders will say that they don’t care about being liked, but I can tell you from personal experience that making an effort to win over your employees, earn their trust, and make them happy can make a huge difference in your company.
Incentives and Unintended Consequences
Incentives can be a mighty force in any organization. When properly structured, incentives can cleanly and clearly align the goals of the individual with that of the organization.
42 Ways to Be a Boss at Being a Boss
Being a good leader requires a great deal of determination, hard work and enthusiasm. A good boss has the ability to transform a small business into an effective and well-oiled machine with happy and efficient employees.
What Type of Leader Are You?
As the head of a business, you need to have a certain level of skill and be able to effectively take control of a variety of situations. Leadership can be hard, especially in a small business where you work in a tight knit environment.
Don’t Manage “What” without “Why”
Empowering your direct reports with the reasons for your orders gives them incentive to act, motivation to accept authority, and purpose behind action. I try to teach this with the simple phrase that is the headline of this insight.
Focus on Character Not Competence
In my experience as a leadership change consultant, character always wins—too often people are hired for competence, but fired for character. This is why it’s important to ensure your recruitment process is focused on finding and hiring people who share the same values as your organization.
Shrinking Your Carbon Footprint: Energy Management for Every Business
It’s essential for businesses today to make energy management a priority. These tips can help ensure that your business manages its energy profile effectively.
5 Tactics to Emerge as Business Leader
A business leader is someone who understands the conditions of a market and then develops strategies for meeting demands. In particular, a leader in business is someone who can motivate a team of people to meet larger demands for the entire company
Are You Too Emotionally Involved in the Decision?
Negotiating an agreement, especially one that involves personal gain, is tough for the person personally involved. There is too much to lose to be objective, to be willing to walk when terms go upside down.
Do You Tell Your Direct Reports HOW to Do a Job?
Unless your job is to teach, attempting to tell your direct reports HOW to do the job you’ve asked or ordered them to do will be a disincentive, will remove some of the authority you’ve delegated, and definitely reduce their motivation to act and lead.