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Manners Still Matter

Manners are of more importance than laws. ~Edmund Burke Not too many people I know talk about the importance of manners, but here goes… Good manners can make a big difference in your business or…

Clear Sailing: How to Keep Your Company Afloat During a PR Crisis

Companies are built on reputations. Two businesses could produce the exact same product, but one will receive more customers solely because of their name recognition and the reputation they have built over the years. When…

How to Encourage Open Internal Communication for a Successful Brand

Are your business or nonprofit organization employees or co-workers openly communicating? If not, it has a big problem. How can they ‘live the brand’ internally and externally if they’re afraid to rock the boat or…

How Asking Questions Leads to Success

I have often said that I have never had an original idea. I can’t speak for anyone else, but in my life everything I’ve learned has come from what I see, what I hear, and…

3 Secrets to Making Better Decisions

Business owners and managers always must rely on making the right decisions, both in terms of following trends and bringing innovative ways to make their business more successful. But dealing with the process of making…

Feeling a Little Drained?

It doesn’t matter: if you are a young entrepreneur or experienced, there are challenges that will arise that will make or break your goal of becoming successful. A major hurdle to overcome will be staying…

Akrasia May Be Holding You Back!

First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. ~Aristotle So…

10 Ways to Increase Workplace Efficiency

Being a small-business owner involves wearing many hats—and while being involved in all aspects of your company can be rewarding, it can also take its toll on your productivity. Here’s how to save time and…

Sideways Thinking: How to Change the Direction of Your Business

There is one quality that no business owner or entrepreneur could survive without, and that’s the ability to adapt. From Darwin to Einstein, the greatest thinkers in history have agreed that those most likely to…

Organized Options: How to Become a More Effective Employee

Back in 2008, America’s financial crisis left hundreds of thousands of people scrambling for work. It also forced many workers to reevaluate their worth in the workplace and what they had to offer. One of…

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