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How Small Businesses Can Harness Millennial Power

Millennials; they’re a huge group, constantly dialed into their phones, and constantly lamenting about their student loans. They’re also extremely talented, and notorious for job hopping. As a working millennial, I’ve personally hopped through eleven…

How Small Businesses Should Be Using Big Data

Think big data is only for big business? Think again. No matter how small your operation might be, collecting and analyzing data about current and future customers can produce a significant return on investment. And…

It’s What You Ask, Not What You Know

A friend recently told me a story that had nothing to do with business, but unintentionally had a great lesson for all of us. He had asked his arborist if he could move a mature…

Why Solar Energy is a Smart Investment for Your Business

With climate change and environmental sustainability making recent headlines and gaining global attention, business owners across the U.S. are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing solar energy to better their company. If you’re like…

Get Inspired! 5 Tips for Tapping into the Creative Side of Your Business

Staring at a blank page is intimidating. Trust me, I know. Starting this blog post was equivalent to meeting the parents for the first time—except worse because it didn’t invite me over for dinner and…

Honestly It’s About Honesty

I can remember being in one of my undergrad advertising classes and the professor told us about a recent study that measured the trustworthiness or honesty of various professions. Keep in mind, this was 30+ years ago…

10 Clues That You Aren’t a Leader

I really know what makes you a leader. I’ve seen dozens of quotes and hundreds of articles, and I took a course on leadership in business school. But leadership depends so much on context and…

5 Office Party Themes Your Employees Will Love

Anyone who has worked in an office is familiar with the monthly shuffle into the break room to sing a quick happy birthday and partake of waxy grocery store cake. These types of celebrations are…

How to Battle the Dragon AND Avoid the Encounter

Sometimes a competitor is just too entrenched, too strong, too well equipped to directly face in battle. At least that is the conventional wisdom. Yet, there are constant examples of new entrants into a niche…

5 Proven Ways to Build and Manage Great Teams

A team is a group of people who come together towards a common goal. In any given organization, there must be a functional team to work to run effectively. In as much as people are…

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