A 3-Step Process for Creating a Sustainable Performance Culture
It’s no secret that all leaders want to have a higher performing culture. We want to meet our business goals and objectives, have a culture that attracts top talent, and be a place where people…
How to Identify the Most Dangerous Person in Your Company
If you’ve read this column for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I tell people that intelligence is learning from your own mistakes. This means intelligence is painful, and…
Is Your Business Stable Enough for Growth?
The question might appear almost redundant: what business wouldn’t benefit from growth? But while growth is the lifeblood of any company, it also brings significant challenges—particularly in the cash flow department. In fact, a growth…
Small Business Leadership: Are You a Queen Bee or a Worker Bee?
“Nothing gets done around here unless I do it myself!” Have you ever said that? If you have, it may be telling you a lot about your leadership. While it’s important for small business leaders…
6 Tips for Staying Energized in Your Business
Being a small business owner is tough work, trust me on this one. There are a multitude of tasks that need to be done every day to ensure your business stays running smoothly and efficiently….
How to Think Like a Growth CEO
Growth CEO’s differ from those who merely station—keep their way into the status quo, protecting the enterprise by reducing risk and cost, without creating a vision and action plan for growth. Here is a way…
A Good Resolution: Schedule Regular Management Meetings
It’s not too late to schedule your monthly management meetings for this year. Use some regular meeting schedule such as the third or fourth Thursday of every month. Review your business plan milestone dates, deadlines, tasks,…
10 Ways to Show You Care in the New Year
How about making a New Year’s resolution that you’ll do more for your community? The concept of “giving back” can grow stale unless we all put forth some real effort. Let’s face it, there are do’ers and those with…
5 Steps to Create a Culture of Leadership
In a previous article, we discussed some ideas on how to assess leaders and their capacity to lead. Now let’s discuss some of the steps required to create a culture of leadership. Creating a culture of leadership…
Your Small Business YouTube Strategy: 8 Videos You Should Be Using
Sometimes the world of online video can seem like it’s in an incredible a state of turmoil. Right now Twitter is either shutting down or selling Vine. Blab is being repurposed (maybe). Yet for your…