Today’s small business face many challenges in their day to day operations. Small business owners and managers have to continually adapt to new processes while still maintaining their core business. ‘Bring Your Own Devices’ (BYOD) is a relatively new phenomenon in the workplace. While many see it as a great opportunity to make the workplace a better environment for employees, there has to be a level of cautiousness applied if it is implemented. Business owners and managers need to address specific security concerns that can go along with BYOD. Clear policies should be set out for all staff prior to full implementation of BYOD in order to ensure the core business and its security is not compromised.
Source: ERS.ie
Author: Colm Stafford is the Managing Director of ERS Ltd in Dublin, Ireland. ERS Ltd. provide wide ranging computer solutions for businesses, specializing in small businesses. Colm has a MA in Science (Management).
Published: February 20, 2015