3 Headline Writing Tips That Guarantee Success

Headlines. You’ve already read a lot about them, no doubt. But they are extremely important, hence why they get and deserve so much attention. Headlines creep into everything you do whether you run an online or offline business. Here is just some of the following where headlines are necessary: Websites Direct mail sales letters Landing pages Brochures Print…

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3 Crucial Marketing Skills All Entrepreneurs Should Have

As an entrepreneur, I wear many hats. I’m my company’s chief accountant, salesperson, strategist and product-builder. I’m responsible for making sure that my business stays thriving six months and six years from now. It’s exhausting, scary and highly rewarding—all at once.
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EZ Tips: Web Writing 101

There are probably ten or more items that you need to pay attention to when writing a web page. Some of these have to do with the copy itself, some with the structure of the page and still others are more behind the scenes things like tags.
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9 Tips for Effective eBooks

Creating ebooks that offer value can help position your business as a thought-leader in your industry. It’s a great way to go in-depth with topics that may be too wide to cover in your blogs and shine a spotlight on your area of expertise.
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Are You Making These 3 Embarrassing Copywriting Mistakes?

You probably fall into one of two camps: If you’re in the first camp, you change the copy on your website a few times a month in an attempt to make it sound better. (Like I do!) If you’re in the second camp, you haven’t updated your website copy in so long, it’s practically fossilized.
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