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How to Supercharge Your Headlines Using These 4 Tips: Part 2

By: SmallBizClub


How to Supercharge Your Headlines 2

In the first post in this series we looked at how to “supercharge” your headlines. What this really means is being able to take an average headline and tweak it a little so it has more attention-grabbing power. After all, that is the goal of the headline. To grab your prospect’s attention and get them to read your offer.

In this post I’ll be sharing two more tips you can use that are guaranteed to ramp up the attention-grabbing power of any headlines you write.

Be Super Specific

Being super specific works for one real reason: it makes your claims more believable. When you see specific numbers being mentioned or even scientific studies, it naturally makes your claims seem more believable. And that is huge because you just need to get your target prospect to start believing that what you are offering will work to get them deep into the sales process.

It is also a great way to supercharge a headline and get a nudge over everyone else who has no idea how to write an attention-grabbing headline.

Let’s look at examples again.

Ebook Shows You How To Lose Weight This Month Doing Home Workouts

The same headline with numbers included.

Ebook Show You How To Burn Up To 5 lbs This Month Following A 30 Minutes Per Day Home Workout Plan

In the first headline we use no numbers. The second headline contains TWO sets of numbers and makes it so much more powerful, attention-grabbing and believable. Wouldn’t you agree? It’s dead set simple and one that can have a massive effect on your conversion rates.

Target a Specific Emotional Appeal Your Prospect Cares About

At this point it’s important to target an emotional appeal, but only one that your prospect cares about. If you end up targeting the wrong emotional appeal in your headline, then your headline and your ad campaign will fail every time.

You need to do research to work out what your prospect’s deepest desire is. Then you channel that desire into the headline. I must tell you that many people try to create the desire. They write copy trying to convince their prospect they have a problem. You can never create the desire in a prospect.

The desire is one that exists inside of them so if you end up targeting a desire they don’t care about, it’s going to be reflected in the poor performance of your headline, and subsequent ad campaign. This is why you need to do research and make sure you are channeling a desire they care about into your headline and your overall marketing message.

This is how you get the best response rates to any advertising you run, online and offline. To work out what your target prospect’s deepest desire is, you first need to know what their top 3 biggest problems are. Then you will know what they truly care about.

So ask yourself the following:

  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What is so bad that they can’t stop thinking about it? What stresses them out so much?
  • What is so bad for your prospect that it’s like an OBSESSION to them?

That is what you should be asking yourself. Then you will know what they truly care about, what their deepest desire is. And then you can channel it into your headline and the rest of your marketing message. This is absolutely crucial because if you screw up at this point, then you will screw up the entire marketing message and ad campaign you are creating.

Related Article: 3 Headline Writing Tips That Guarantee Success


Using these simple tips will allow you to supercharge any headline you write. You need every advantage you can get when writing a headline and these are some that I personally use, and so do many other professional copywriters.

Here are the four tips again:

  1. Use powerful adjectives and verbs
  2. Highlight the device of your product or service
  3. Be super specific
  4. Target an emotional appeal your prospect obsesses about

Leigh HankinAuthor: Leigh Hankin is a direct response copywriter and marketer who helps businesses get more leads and sales by writing sizzling hot words that sell. He is on a mission to help businesses stop using boring marketing and writing boring words. He has written a free guide that explains a little trick he uses for writing headlines that convert.

Twitter: @boldcraftedword
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boldlycraftedwords

Published: October 16, 2015

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