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#1 Explainer Video: Because 1 Minute of Video is Worth 1.8 Million Words
It’s a tired cliche, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Going off of that math, a video must be worth quite a bit then. According to Dr. James McQuivey from Forrester Research, 1 minute of video was worth approximately 1.8 million words.
Consumer Psychology and eCommerce Checkouts
eCommerce has changed the way companies connect with customers and market goods. In the online world, shoppers form opinions, assess value, and make buying decisions without any first-hand experience of the items they are paying for.
What is HeartBleed and Why Your Small Business Should Be Concerned
HeartBleed is not the first nor the last of security bugs that cause havoc on the technology infrastructure of today. However, by adhering to the right security standards and best-practices, your small business can ensure that the impact due to such vulnerabilities are kept at a minimum.
7 FREE and Simple Graphic Design Tools Anyone Can Use
Small and medium businesses and nonprofit organizations don’t always have the financial resources to pay for costly design tools. So, I compiled a list of seven of my favorite tools that are totally free.
How eCommerce, Augmented & Virtual Reality will Redefine the Retail Experience
eCommerce; Augmented Reality (AR); Virtual Reality (VR): Three rapidly evolving digital technologies that have long held the theoretical promise of delivering more convenient, enhanced and immersive shopping experiences to consumers.
Managing the Data Center: 6 Practical Cabling Tips
When you experience an IT system problem, few things cause more delays that badly planned or unstructured data center cabling. Many companies simply assume that their IT team or local electrician knows enough about the topic to manage the cabling, but the reality is that most companies would do better by hiring a network cabling service.
What CRM Can Mean for Small Business
Many small businesses operate as if customer relationship management (CRM) simply means staying on good terms with your customers. Maybe a nice dinner or drinks occasionally. You know better than that.
What is a Website Conversion?
Without conversions a website is just a brochure. And what often happens to brochures? Sometimes they’re picked up and result in a call, but most of the time they get a single glimpse and then they’re tossed in the trash and are never looked at again. Don’t let that be your website.
Breached: What to Do When Your Network is Compromised
Sluggish systems, strange pop-up windows, passwords changed mysteriously, programs starting automatically or illicit content on your website are all clues that point to a breach in your network. If you believe this has happened, acting quickly and decisively can help you recover safely from a network attack.
Countdown to 2015: US Giving Up Control of the Internet
Recently, the U.S. government announced plans to let go of global Internet control. As a result, many experts are speculating about the Internet’s future. Some are optimistic while others raise concerns about potentially serious problems.