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What CRM Can Mean for Small Business
Many small businesses operate as if customer relationship management (CRM) simply means staying on good terms with your customers. Maybe a nice dinner or drinks occasionally. You know better than that.
What is a Website Conversion?
Without conversions a website is just a brochure. And what often happens to brochures? Sometimes they’re picked up and result in a call, but most of the time they get a single glimpse and then they’re tossed in the trash and are never looked at again. Don’t let that be your website.
Breached: What to Do When Your Network is Compromised
Sluggish systems, strange pop-up windows, passwords changed mysteriously, programs starting automatically or illicit content on your website are all clues that point to a breach in your network. If you believe this has happened, acting quickly and decisively can help you recover safely from a network attack.
Countdown to 2015: US Giving Up Control of the Internet
Recently, the U.S. government announced plans to let go of global Internet control. As a result, many experts are speculating about the Internet’s future. Some are optimistic while others raise concerns about potentially serious problems.
Hosted VoIP vs. On-Site VoIP Business Phone Systems: The Scoop
When you are considering NEC unified communications solutions for your next business phone system, one of the decisions you will need to make is whether to install your NEC VoIP phone system on your premises or have your solution partner host it.
How Big is Amazon.com?
From the number of markets it serves to the size of its inventory to the number of fulfillment centers, almost everything about Amazon.com is, well, big. Here’s the big deal on the world’s largest online retailer.
The Importance of Being Mobile Friendly
While it is likely that a B2C business (e.g. a retail store) is likely to get more mobile traffic than a B2B company, we think it’s still imperative to make your website mobile friendly for your customers/clients.
5 Steps to Deal with Business Downtime
Unexpected downtime can happen at any time and accidents happen, though we should note that they should always try to be mitigated. Firstly, as it says on the back of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t panic.”
Should You Go with VoIP or Traditional Phone Lines?
Businesses of all sizes are switching to Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone systems instead of traditional “landline” telephones to decrease their total phone costs and gain new functions that help their businesses.