Online Marketing
How Much Your Free WordPress Website Will Really Cost You
There are basically two options for building a WordPress website for your business. You could go with self hosting through for about $60 a year, or use for free. But before you jump at the free option, ask yourself: is it really free?
Business Brand Content Best Practice Tactics on Google Plus
There are many types of businesses that are struggling to market with Google+, they can be business that sell to businesses (B2B) or those that deal directly with consumers (B2C). They can be small, medium or large.
Setting Bold List-Building Goals (and 3 Lessons Learned Along the Way)
There are different types of motivators that work for different people. For some, just an inner knowing that they want to achieve something is necessary for them to take action and make it happen. For others, no matter how good their intentions are, if they aren’t being held accountable by an outside force, they’ll continue to avoid doing it.
7 Blogging Mistakes for Small Businesses
Blogging and content sharing have become integral parts of how small businesses operate and grow. Sure, a small biz blog might be pretty low on your priority list, but they’re an excellent way to engage communities and expand reach to target markets well beyond the grasps of traditional advertising and marketing.