Online Marketing
Who Wins in a Fight: Clever or Clear Subject Lines?
Marketing often is about standing out, being distinctive, and coming up with “clever” taglines and slogans. But when writing to your e-mail list, do clever subject lines really work as well as clear subject lines?
Getting to the Top of Google
Like many things in life, your success in the search engines is really a sum of the parts. Understanding all those pieces, how they should fit together and then actually making it happen can be daunting for many businesses.
Is Blogging Really a Necessary Marketing Tool?
Your customers and prospects encounter content every day. Some of it is good, most of it is forgotten immediately. It is your job to make sure that your business content is remembered and has a positive impact on your customers.
Facts and Figures on the Power of Visual Content Marketing
As the social web has allowed us all to become publishers and marketers the importance of content for search and social media marketing has exploded. This is driving another trend within that sector called visual content marketing.
SEO vs. Content Marketing: What’s the Difference?
Two common terms that I see being mentioned a lot in the same context are “SEO” and “content marketing.” Let’s get one thing straight. These are NOT the same thing. Let me explain.
Re-Sharing Can Benefit Your Brand
We all know that person on Facebook or Twitter: the one who re-posts the same status, the same opinion, the same article over and over again. Many businesses strive to avoid this repetitive tactic in order to keep their content fresh and their readers engaged.