Run and Grow
3 Tricks to Managing Seasonal Employees
Whether you hire seasonal employees for the holidays, during the summer, or for any other snapshot in time, working with people temporarily is far from easy. There’s the practical aspect, of course—the bummer of training…
Reskilling Your Employees Can Be Part of Your CSR Strategy
You can give back to the community by helping workers prepare for an automated future. In the coming years, automation will displace millions of workers. However, this prospect isn’t as bleak as it sounds. Humanity…
Data Collection is About to Get Much More Dangerous
On January First, 2020, California will enact the toughest data protection laws ever, far outpacing Europe’s General Data Protection Act (GDPR). Called the California Consumer Privacy Ace (CCPA), few of us are even aware of…
The Promise of Manufacturing Automation for All Starts with Generative Design
As a manufacturer, you’re certainly familiar with the concept of generative design by now—but there’s still some confusion over its real definition. Many in the manufacturing community would have you believe that generative design is merely a…
How to Run Your Real Estate Agency Like a Startup
Internet and smartphones have disrupted several industries over the past two decades. Real estate is no different—as a buyer, you can ‘walkthrough’ properties of your choice from thousands of miles away. Services like Airbnb make…
Most People Are Disappointed by Brands
Your customers have high expectations. But who could have guessed that 82% are disappointed or upset by brands! A recent research study by Oracle CX in partnership with my marketing pal, Jeanne Bliss, takes a cross-generational look…
How Gig Economy Growth Could Help Close the Labor Gap in Construction
Just 10 years ago, cities across America were mottled with transit deserts—streets, neighborhoods, and entire regions without convenient or affordable transportation options. No trains. No buses. Not even taxis. The only way to get around…
The Growing Problem of Employee Turnover
Reducing Turnover with Better Benefits Employee turnover is a costly problem and that cost is on the rise. Currently turnover costs $600 billion annually, but by 2020 that figure will balloon to $680 billion. What’s…
How to Keep Good Employees: Pay and Development Trump Benefits
It’s no secret that replacing an employee is expensive. A 2019 retention report by the Work Institute found that conservatively, employers can expect to lose around $15,000 with the departure of an employee. In 2018,…
Think PMI is TMI? Here’s Why 3D Models Need Product Manufacturing Information
Although it’s fascinating to check out a napkin sketch by a famous architect—the germ of an idea that grows into a monumental project—you wouldn’t expect that sketch to serve as the actual plan to build it. But…