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Run and Grow

Always Keep Your Promises

To develop a strong brand, you have to get customers to know your value proposition. They should know what makes you different from your competitors. But it’s not enough for them to just know what you say makes you different; they should know from seeing you fulfill your promises.

Why We Miss Our Goals

Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar. You know exactly what you want to do. You have it all figured out. And then somewhere along the line, something happens. You’re not even sure what it was—all you know is the end result: whatever it was you were planning, it didn’t get done.

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover for Your Small Business?

Of all the kinds of insurance you can get for your business, general liability is one of the most important. This guide will help you identify what these policies will cover, as well as how much coverage would be appropriate for you.

Ten Tips for Buying Insurance

Have you ever been frustrated over the process of buying insurance for your business? While it’s a time-consuming, difficult task, but doing it right is worth the effort. To make the process as smooth as possible, pay attention to every detail and provide as much information as you can to the underwriter.

How Do I Develop Proper Risk Management?

Every business owner expects risks, and managing them properly is a vital task. Business insurance is an important piece of the puzzle, but there are several steps you should take first to calculate and manage your risks.

Dealing with a Loss

What do you do in the event of a loss? As time goes on, your business is almost certain to have deal with an accident, storm, or other kind of loss at some point. By following these steps, you and your business will be able to come through the crisis strong as ever.

Business Interruption Insurance

Natural disasters strike unpredictably and can cause major problems for your business. You might have to shut your business down for a while to recover, but your expenses will keep piling up. Business interruption insurance is designed for just this scenario.

Elements of Effective Performance Reviews

Performance reviews should be an opportunity for both you and your employees to improve. You should get a measurable description of employee performance, and employees should get a clearer vision of your expectations. It’s a problem solving process, not a fault finding expedition.

What Is Customer Service Really About?

Strong customer service is a valuable asset for a business creating a great customer experience. But how do you measure great customer service? A new suggestion is called Customer Effort Score, measuring how easy it is for customers to solve problems with your business.

Increasing Customer Loyalty

Increasing customer loyalty is a great strategy, because getting your existing customers to come back more often to buy more will help your sales just as much as getting new customers, and it’s a lot cheaper. Here are a few specific things to keep in mind to increase customer loyalty.

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