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An Update on Customer Rage

The WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University has published the 2013 update of the customer rage study. The 2013 version is the sixth study wave. A general conclusion from the study is that if a company handles a complaint well, the customer is more likely to become loyal.

Tweet This: Social Networks Can Boost Your Customers’ Experience

Today, your customers connect and network through social media to get information, express opinions, and share advice. Many companies do so as well. But very few understand the premise that makes a no-profit, low-revenue firm like Twitter worth as much as an asset-rich powerhouse like WellPoint.

Easy Tips for Customer Service on Social Networks

All businesses are seeing a shift in customer service to the Internet rather than the phone or in-person. Small businesses in particular may see this shift as a positive.

Customer Congruency: What Are We Promising Our Customers?

As a business, we try to get our customers to perceive us a certain way. In the end, the customer determines if we have succeeded. What promises are we making to our customers?

Crowdsourcing Your Org Chart: Why You Should Collaborate on HR Docs

When was the last time you looked at your company’s organizational chart? If it’s been a while, you should think about the purpose—and potential—of this document.

The Courage to Commit and Execute

Developing new strategies and new programs is exciting. The problem is committing to the execution of the programs. It’s no longer about powerful ideas, but it’s the tough work of making it happen.

Get Your Small Business Growing: Get Creative

As a history major, I understand the past is a great teacher. We learn from our experiences and they can serve as a solid base upon which to build. However, as they say, “If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results.” And in today’s dynamic, rapidly changing marketplace, you’ve got to be willing to shake things up a bit.

Stop Competing: Start Winning by Innovating

Contrary to popular belief, competing with other individuals or companies is counterproductive. A better idea is to seek advantage.

How Your Company Can Compete for Top Talent

You think you know how to get the best people—Or do you? Investing in finding the right employees does actually affect your workforce performance, but do you know which ones to invest in to achieve top performance when competing to find the right employee?

3 Simple Steps to Help You Win the Customer Service Race

Excellent customer service is a hot commodity in today’s challenging economic environment. One way is to treat employees the way you expect them to treat your customers—and each other.

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