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Run and Grow
Hyper-Local Customer Service
One path to business success is the ability to quickly recognize trends. I’m pointing out a trend in sales and service that your business might be able to capitalize on.
Why Renting IT Equipment Might Save You Money and Time
If you’re in the process of launching a new business unit or project, then in addition to a rock-solid business plan, key location and superb staff, you’re going to need the best equipment to get you started.
Understanding Priorities to Improve Customer Service
Yesterday I experienced one of the most common missteps of good customer service—ignoring customers to attend to “organizational” priorities.
4 Small Business Secrets to Vetting Your Candidates
Properly vetting potential job candidates is critical to protecting your business. Below explains four affordable ways how small businesses can properly screen potential job candidates.
The New Manufacturing Order
An old, familiar story line is returning to the technology industry. Yes, there’s a bit of a 1970s Jobs and Wozniak throwback here.
How to Hire a Top-Notch Team When You Can’t Compete on Salary
I often get asked how I managed to get so many impressive people on my team. By every law of logic, a company as small, new and budget-constrained as mine should not have as many rock stars on our team and advisory board as we do.
Safety in the Workplace: 6 Dangers to Know
One of the most important things any manager should uphold in the workplace is safety. Without a safe work environment, you are putting the lives and well-being of your employees on the line.
How You Can Fight Intellectual Property Theft and Protect Your Profits
Small business owners may worry about being robbed while they’re leaving their business to make a bank deposit. They will often take special measures to ensure their safety and protect the money generated through their sales.
Outsourcing Web Development
We’re probably not going to see the end of the office environment anytime soon, but workplaces are becoming increasingly reliant on virtual talent. In fact, it’s not unusual for a company to hire workers from around the world.
Money Motivates
There are many studies that can tell us how various industries reward employees for achievement above a base pay, or beyond expectation.