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Run and Grow

No Need to Overreact About Automation Replacing Jobs

Experts estimate that 35% of the jobs of today will be eliminated within the next 20 years. The industrial age is coming to an end, and being replaced by the technological age. For many businesses,…

5 Steps to Turn a Negative into a Positive Customer Experience

A negative experience often means the customer goes elsewhere with their business—and often they tell their friends. So each lost customer means more than just their lost business, but it results in lost business from…

How to Know When It’s Time to Fire an Employee

Deciding when it’s time to fire an employee isn’t an exact science. Occasionally a burst of outrageous behavior will make the decision obvious, but that’s seldom the case (fortunately!). Putting the issue in a broader…

Turning Support into a Strategic Resource for Your Business

In traditional business, customer support teams focus solely on satisfying the customer. They enable a pain-free, enjoyable customer experience while sales and marketing teams drive home revenue and create new customers. Right? Not so fast….

What Designers and Marketers Can Learn from Pixar

Pixar is a renowned computer animation film studio that has captured hearts around the world ever since they released their first feature, Toy Story in 1995. How do they do it? Recently, Seer’s Creative Team went on…

Hire on Ability. Fire on Fit.

This is not necessarily the way we intend to behave as managers, but our headline reflects the reality of most experiences when viewed in retrospect. We carefully vet the potential hire for experience required.  Ninety…

Your Customer’s Point of View: Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Sometimes, I think the best marketing advice I can give someone is before you say it, do it, print it, record it or announce it, find a way to see it from your customer’s point…

Got Restaurant Staff? Try a POS System to Manage Them More Efficiently

Managing your staff especially in a highly competitive restaurant business environment is not easy because you will be dealing with different personalities and characters. Often times, newbies are putting their best foot forward only on…

Food Tech Startups: The Simple Way to a Free Lunch

It’s a fact — humans love food. Survival instinct aside, we’ve also added a generous helping of cultural and emotional associations. One recent and tempting movement that’s turning heads and filling stomachs is offering free lunch…

Key Techniques to Prevent Inventory Loss and Shrinkage: Part 2

In Part 1 of our series, we discussed the first three of seven ways to protect your inventory from theft. In this second part, we look at four more techniques that you can implement in…

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