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Run and Grow

How to Make Employee Surveys Less Annoying

The employee survey process is, historically, annoying. Employees might answer 80 questions on an online survey that takes almost an hour, they hit “submit,” and when they get a 404 page, they’re stuck wondering if…

How to Avoid Breaking Employee Break Laws

All work and no play makes for… a zombie workforce. It’s pretty much common sense that everyone needs breaks. But what are employee break laws and how can you avoid getting into trouble? The Definitions of…

7 Tips to Deal with Unhappy Customers

No one likes to receive a complaint—but complaints are worth their weight in gold if an organization learns from them and then uses the information to improve the customer experience. Customer complaints can be used…

Hire “Jacks” (and “Jills”)

Sometimes you need to hire a specialist already trained in a single narrow task. But for most of us, we’d do far better hiring someone who has proven from past experience to be a “jack of…

5 Tips for Hiring Top-Notch Creative Freelancers on a Budget

Why outsource? Well, just as you wouldn’t attempt to perform root canal surgery on yourself, you shouldn’t attempt to tackle certain specialist areas in your own business. Sometimes you’re simply much better off calling in…

5 Safety Issues Caused 65 Percent of Workplace Injuries

Are you a betting person? Whether or not you play the lottery or hit Vegas on occasion, you should know what the odds are for any of your employees to get injured on the job…

Dealing with an Upset Customer

Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you’ve really got a…

4 Tactics to Put You Ahead of the Competition

Owning your own company is a great opportunity for gaining flexibility in your career, achieving more profits and working for something you believe in. This often gives way to becoming the victim of a rival…

6 Things to Look for in Potential Hires

Spotting the next star employee can be complicated to say the least. There are hundreds of resumes and CVs landing on your desk on a daily basis, each pitching themselves as the “best candidate.” How…

10 Predictions for the Most Disruptive Tech Trends

Disruptive technology surpasses an existing market, where a new technology replaces the old by making the old outdated. New technologies emerge each day, challenging the existing ones, and can have important ramifications for your business….

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