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Run and Grow

Employee vs. Contractor: Here We Go Again

Several years ago, I wrote an extensive article on the ten most important tests of a company in classifying a person as an independent contractor. See http://berkonomics.com/?p=662 for that important insight. But things have gotten much…

Do You See What I See?

Some time ago, I wrote a post generating a lot of interest titled “Have You Called Your Office Lately?” The post centered on the fact that we must experience what our customer does when calling…

7 Ways Customer Surveys Can Grow Your Conversion Rate

When you create a survey with a specific goal in mind, your number one priority is, naturally, to achieve that goal. Businesses on the Internet are highly dependent on traffic and unique visitors who access…

How Small Business Owners Can Find Their Day in the Sun

It’s the time of year when people are packing their bags to escape for some fun in the sun over the summer months, and small business owners are just as eager to take a couple…

How Much Do You Focus on Your Customers’ Needs and Wants?

Do you know your customers’ needs and wants? No, I mean really know their needs and wants? It appears that 38% of marketers find this their number-one challenge, regardless of company size or industry. According to the…

The Continuous Evolution of Performance Management

To maintain a well-functioning, efficient and productive organization, it is essential that we keep up-to-date and mindful of current management trends. Every process and system within the company should be readdressed and re-evaluated from time…

How Large and Small Businesses Can Overcome the Innovation Paradox

“We need to act more like entrepreneurs, but those guys are nuts.” —a real quote from a Fortune 100 CEO In 2007, a friend and client at a Fortune 100 company asked me if I knew of…

Asset Protection Tips for Your Small Business

No matter your industry or how small your operation, it’s vitally important to take the proper steps to protect your business from litigation. Why You Need Protection What most people don’t fully understand is that…

Why Excellent Customer Service is Essential to Startup Success

According to the book “Leading on the Edge of Chaos” by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy, 68% of customers leave a business because of bad customer service. That is an astonishing number when…

A Healthy Work Environment: Making Happy, Productive Employees

The concern for the overall health and wellness of employees has been increasing recently, and for entrepreneurs and small companies, it is becoming necessary to place more focus on their physical and mental health. They…

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