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10 Ways to Prepare for Competitors You Don’t See Yet

When you are starting a business with an exciting new idea, it’s easy to dismiss potential competitors as not being in the same space, or too fat, dumb, and happy to be concerned that you…

What’s Your One Goal for Each Person on Your Team?

Too often, as managers, if we do coach, our coaching is ineffective. One of the key reasons is that we are unfocused on what we are trying to achieve with each person. What happens is…

4 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Business Energy Costs

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you know it’s not simple: you always need to keep the organization and productivity flowing in the workplace, create a teamwork-driven environment, collaborate with your employees, and so much…

Stop Blaming Millennials for Destroying Big Brand Business!

It seems like millennials have become the mysterious group of individuals that other generations can’t seem to figure out. With their horn-rimmed glasses, need to bring back record players and a love for all things…

Smaller Teams are More Productive Than Larger Ones

Back in 2013, Gallup released a report titled “The State of the American Workplace,” which stated that smaller companies tend to have more active, engaged employees than larger companies do. This seems to be a…

3 Reliable Ways to Increase Employee Engagement with a Limited Budget

Everyone knows the importance of employee engagement. Engaged employees do better work. They find innovative solutions to problems. And they are less likely to leave your company than disengaged employees, which means that when you…

Do Mastermind Groups Help with Business Growth?

The concept of a mastermind group is much older than most people would think. Namely, it was described and analyzed by one of the pioneers of self-help – Napoleon Hill. He looked at the most…

8 Leadership Lapses Every Business Owner Must Avoid

Even entrepreneurs who have built many startups, or sold their last one for millions of dollars, know they make occasional people leadership mistakes. They know leadership is all about managing their own complicated, illogical, and…

Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Training and support about the dangers of sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time are woefully neglected in many businesses, according to new research by office suppliers Viking and YouGov. Roles that involve…

Furry Stress-Busters: Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

These days, attracting the best employees isn’t just about the money and the job: it’s about the perks. Of course, there’s no substitute for the basics, like a competitive salary, a good health plan, and…

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