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The 4 Leadership Skills You Need During Conflict-Resolution Meetings

You’re bound to witness or experience conflict in your small business. Knowing how to handle and defuse employee conflict can promote a healthy, productive workplace. But sometimes, people prefer to avoid conflict rather than address…

How to Effectively Reward Your Employees

As an employer, you may need to reward your employees for various reasons. For starters, you may reward them as a way of commending them for the excellent work that they have been doing. Additionally,…

Building Your Support System

This is one of those topics I never thought I would have to write about. It’s a subject I assumed was such common sense and common practice that there was no value I could add…

How to Effectively Reward Your Employees

As an employer, you may need to reward your employees for various reasons. For starters, you may reward them as a way of commending them for the excellent work that they have been doing. Additionally,…

Recruit by Leading with Tax Savings

Eric Tippitts, creator of Rocket Recruiting, shares his insight into how to recruit by leading with the tax savings on this episode of the Cash Flow Show—Home Business Radio. The home office deduction is one…

4 Growth Tips for Modern Marketing Agencies

Thanks to low barriers to entry, low-cost tools, and widespread visibility, starting a digital marketing agency is not terribly difficult. Many firms have started from a home office and continued to be managed independent of…

3 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Employees

Management should have a good relationship with employees for a number of reasons. You want to have a way of relating to the people that work for you, but you also need to be prepared…

What Would You Do If Told to “Fail Fast”?

Here’s a question that should strike close to home. Professional investors like to quote this mantra to anyone who will listen. “Fail fast,” they say. But what if you believe so strongly in your budding…

4 Indispensable Traits of Successful Organizations in the 21st Century

To adapt the words of Marshall Goldsmith, “what got top companies to the peak of their industries in the 20th century is not what would get them to compete, let alone thrive in the fiercer…

Reasons Not to Make Decisions Today on Gut Instincts

I still know some entrepreneurs who boast of simply following their gut instincts, rather than listen to anyone or any data, to make strategic decisions. We’ve all worked with autocratic leaders in large companies who…

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