How to Work With a Partially Remote Team
With companies slowly rolling back into the office as stay at home orders are lifting across the country, we know navigating a partially remote can be challenging. Seer is no stranger to working with team…
Employee Recognition: What, Why, & How to Use It Effectively
Employee recognition is the timely and professional acknowledgement of one’s short-term or long-term achievements with the company. Admit it. It feels good to be recognized. To be seen and heard. We have all been there…
Great Coaches Don’t Give Answers
Both managers and the people they coach often have the wrong impression of coaching. Too often, we go to our managers looking for answers. Great managers tend not to give answers. As people looking for…
How an Electric Contractor Uses Text Message Marketing
Recently we had a chance to talk with Andrew from IEG USA. They are an Industrial Electrical Contractor Company. Andrew is their Marketing Coordinator. Andrew was asked not to reveal the company names of the…
5 Steps to Post-COVID Business Success
All the major sectors of the economy have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The current crisis has necessitated changes in the way businesses operate. A recent study has shown that over 90% of…
10 Keys To Winning With Team Collaboration Leadership
The reigning theory in business has long been that “alpha” leaders make the best entrepreneurs. These are aggressive, results-driven achievers who assert control, and insist on a hierarchical organizational model. Yet I am seeing more…
5 Tips for Moving Workers Back Into Your Office
After state-wide shut downs and work-from-home orders, many businesses are planning on bringing their workforce back into the office. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about how to address this. How will workers readjust to…
3 Essential Networking Tips During COVID
There are very few regular activities that continued as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and social activities were even more scarce. In the business world, a somewhat-required social activity is networking, especially for…
What Would Happen to the Business if You Die, Leave or Are Disabled?
Yes, we’re invincible when young When we are young and early in our business lives, we feel infallible to the degree that we do not think of what might happen if we die while in…
Small Business Agility: What Corporations Can Learn from SMEs
SMEs stand for small and medium sized enterprises and are said to make up over 99% of the business sector, according to Simply Business. A company employing 250 people or less, SMEs are categorized as…