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Consciously Receiving

Both in business and personally you focus on providing lots of value to others. You enjoy doing so. It is part of your value system.

Startups Need to Capitalize on Every Conversation

Whether you are trying to motivate your team, close a deal with a customer, or get funding from an investor, a casual conversation is usually a waste of your valuable time. These result is a founder who is always “too busy,” but never seems to get the business done and the team moving. All real business is conversations focused on creating results.

How to Get Your Team to Buy into Organizational Change

In my experience as a leadership expert and consultant, change is never easy. It is not easy for leaders, managers, or employees. Change poses a threat for most people, especially when it comes to their career or position within their organization.

Great Leaders Take Responsibility

I have seen time and again how the committed take responsibility for their actions. In our high-litigation culture, there’s always someone else to blame. It can be easy to point the finger at suppliers, underlings, partners, and managers that just can’t seem to get things right.

Embrace the Right to Pivot

Plans don’t often work as devised. We are not always smart about the market or the product. Great teams are not bound by their original product or marketing plan. Greatness finds one definition in management’s ability to “pivot,” or change the plan in reaction to its early response from the marketplace.

5 Tips for Creating a Company Culture That Connects with Your Sweet Spot Clients

An area of marketing that is often overlooked is how important it is to be mindful when creating a company culture. You don’t build a culture to make a sale. But the culture you build, if you’re very clear about your organization’s values and beliefs, can translate your company’s personality and attract right fit prospects. It can also reinforce your current customers’ buying decision.

How to Build Trust Across Cultures and Diversities

In the 21st century, there’s no doubt that each of us will spend considerable time interacting with those of a different culture (or other diversities). Trust-building isn’t easy, and it can be especially daunting the more differences that are present. Here are some top tips and discussion questions from chapter 14 of The Trust Edge that can help. Consider printing this post to work on with your team this week.

Making Business a Game: How to Play It Well with Enterprise Gamification

Business is a game and whether you think it’s like poker or chess, one thing is clear—new developments in management will soon take this statement to the next level.

Is There a Recipe for Creating Trust?

We talk about the idea of creating trust every week with our clients. At my agency, MMG, we call this equation basic marketing math: Know + Like + Trust = Sales.

Internal Customer Service

Most people—even I am guilty sometimes—worry only about how customers of the business (external customers) are treated and put little emphasis on how the staff serves one another or their vendors (internal customers).

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