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Make Sure Your Strategic Plan Has an Implementation Plan

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” -Alexander Graham Bell I have helped a myriad of firms with their strategic planning. These firms know the importance of this process and our willing to…

7 Surprising Reasons to Hire an Executive Coach

Hiring an executive coach is a big decision. Let’s face it: we typically don’t come cheap. But the transformations that can occur as a result of hiring an executive coach can be profound. Here are seven surprising…

Great Company Culture Essential to Success

The Internet has had two very interesting, and important, impacts on small businesses. First, it has lowered the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs and second it has raised the bar for customer service. If you…

A 5-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Green Business from Scratch

Every day people trash a tremendous amount of paper, plastic, metals, and other recyclable materials. While waste is essential to keep the consumer cycle rolling, it is not necessary that it ends up in a…

Is Work and Life Balance Possible?

Is there really a routine we can develop that will devote enough time to our work and family? The discussion involving what you can do to stay organized and learn balance has a wide range…

Work on Your Three Levels of Leadership

Another leadership development bit? Yup. But if you have no time or are impatient, here are the three levels: visionary, strategic and tactical. Skip or stay, but think about your balance in leadership either way….

Why You Should Consider Hiring Job Hoppers

As someone who was once considered a ‘job hopper’ myself, I know the sinking feeling that accompanies a recruiter’s negatively framed question about moving around a lot. Thankfully, recruiters are starting to realize that when…

Build, Encourage, and Recognize Your People

When John David Mann and I talk about “Building Your People” (Key #2 from The Go-Giver Leader) we mean that in a couple of ways: one is to teach, mentor, and coach them to becoming more effective, both in…

3 Steps to Stimulate Change and Establish a Clear Purpose

Organizations and people grow, evolve, and change. It’s what we do—and failure to do so over time will find us being followers rather than leaders. Change starts with having a clear purpose. Leaders need to…

Are You the Manager You Think You Are?

“When you’re in the muck you can only see muck. If you somehow manage to float above it, you still see the muck but you see it from a different perspective. And you see other…

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