New Survey Shows How People Interact with Brands on Social Media

A new survey by The Manifest, explores how social media users from across the U.S. interact with brands on social media and how these interactions influence their buying decisions. The findings can help businesses understand how their social media interactions with consumers can boost brand awareness, build trust, and convert followers into loyal customers. Here are some…

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These 7 Social Media Mistakes Can Dramatically Hurt Your Sales

The social media landscape has allowed smaller brands to exponentially expand their reach. It’s given them much easier access to audiences and the ability to engage and connect like never before. But as with most marketing tools, it’s not a magical solution without its downside. Mistakes can happen, with the most glaring ones able to…

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How to Hire a Social Media Manager

With over a billion users each on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, social media has emerged to be a marketing channel that businesses can no longer ignore. Identifying where your target audience hangs out, what kind of content works well with them, and creating a content creation and publishing schedule that generates the maximum…

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Top Study Results on Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the most popular marketing channels existing today. Yet, some business and organization leaders have questioned how effective it is in reaching their marketing objectives. Is it worth the financial and human resources investment? The newly released 2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report from Social Media Examiner provides us with some insight on…

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Who is an Influencer?

Here are some truths we need to grapple with in today’s economy: Consumers trust word of mouth recommendations from family and friends more than advertising Consumers trust recommendations from perfect strangers more than advertising Anyone can create a position of authority and attract a community if they demonstrate expertise, credibility and consistently produce content to…

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Should You Pay for Social Media Ads?

This is an important question for small-midsized businesses and nonprofits* with limited marketing budgets. Are paid social media ads worth the investment? According to an article on Medium by Shivam Verma, there are seven benefits to using paid social media advertising: Amplify your reach Fit any budget Enhance your targeting Boost brand awareness Maximize your content marketing…

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