Is Social Media Useful for a Property Valuation Business?

Just like every other industry, the immense growth of social media has greatly shaped the real estate market. With many homebuyers turning to the internet to search for properties, agents are using these channels at each stage of marketing, from brand building, lead generation, to making sales. If you’re on the property valuation businesses, you…

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Provide Value Online with Meaningful Relationships

Is it really possible to utilize social media as way to build know, like, and trust relationships? Absolutely. And, as you’ll see in Endless Referrals Action Tip #11 the principles of doing so are actually very much the same online as they are off. However, it is still a different medium of communication and in…

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Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses

A big part of promoting yourself is staying up-to-date on current trends, including social media marketing for small businesses. Social media has evolved from just being a place where friends connect. Now it’s a marketing powerhouse for businesses small to large. To help you harness that power for your business, we’ve compiled a list of…

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Instagram’s Algorithm Update and How It Influences You

Have you noticed a drop in your Instagram engagement lately? You’re not alone. All of us have been affected by new algorithm changes that have impacted engagement and changed the way businesses and users interface with their Instagram followers. Let’s run through the new algorithm update and outline a few tips to navigate Instagram. So…

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Power Up LinkedIn

When business people and marketing types talk about social media, they immediately default to networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram but the true powerhouse network, LinkedIn, is rarely mentioned. If you live in the B2B world and you’re not spending time on LinkedIn every week, you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity. For most…

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Social Media Fails During a Crisis

Social media has changed the way we learn about, share and react to big events—good or bad. We rush to it to celebrate but we also rush to it when the world is in danger or a tragedy has occurred, whether it’s a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy or acts of terror like the shootings…

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Is Your Small Business Missing Out by Not Being on Instagram?

Instagram is no longer just the latest trend. With over a billion monthly users, its popularity is second only to Facebook—its parent company. If you have time to put the effort into building your presence, it is among the least expensive advertising available. The platform allows for highly targeted marketing, so theoretically, everyone who sees…

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3 Reasons Analytics Help Business

When you’re running a small business, you’re constantly looking for ways to save time, without cutting quality. One area where businesses often struggle is finding the time to engage with their audience through social media. While they may do what’s necessary with some tweeting, post creation and so on, the battle is lost when it…

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Should Your Franchise Be on Social Media?

Social media has evolved. It’s no longer just a tool for connecting with old friends or sharing vacation photos. More than ever, social media allows customers to interact with businesses—and for businesses to interact right back! Many brands have corporate accounts on various social media platforms, but that gets a little complicated for brands that…

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