Top 10 Strategies For Boosting Sales And Marketing Success

Young female sales support dispatcher working in office

In the ever-evolving competitive landscape, sales are the driving force behind every successful business enterprise. However, it’s easier said than done to devise strategies for boosting sales. And trust us, we have been there too. Sometimes, even the best strategies can’t work out if they are not properly executed. So, what if we told you…

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Small Budget, Big Impact: Marketing Strategies for Startups

Office workers sitting at table with coffee

Cash-strapped but brimming with potential? Welcome to the exciting (and sometimes nerve-wracking) world of launching a startup. Fear not, fellow entrepreneur! Marketing magic doesn’t require a bottomless bank account. With a dash of creativity and a strategic plan, you can make a splash without breaking the bank. Here’s your arsenal of marketing strategies for startups…

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How to Take Q1 By Storm

Happy New Year! What are your plans for Q1? Are you planning to continue with the same work model, or are you planning some changes? Have your goals and aims changed? Have you considered the trends? Are you up to date with company plans and goals? Do you have access to continual learning? All these…

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How Agencies Can Improve Marketing Proposal Processes

As anyone who works in digital marketing will tell you, the vast majority of the proposals that you write will be rejected without you ever hearing back. This high failure to success rate can be very demoralizing, and you can end up feeling like you are flogging a dead horse by spending a large amount of your…

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An Easier and More Effective Marketing Mix

The standard 4 Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) have not kept up with the new marketing world. Definition: A marketing mix is the set of marketing tools you use to sell products or services (or a charitable mission) to your target customers. Marketing is no longer about “pushing” messages out to buyers by…

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How to Market to Customers 50+

Whether you market products, services, or a nonprofit mission, chances are you have customers in the 50+ age range. With their current U.S. population of 108.7 million, do you realize how powerful this demographic is now and how much it’s growing? “By 2017, Nielsen predicts this age group will make up half of the U.S. population and control 70% of disposable…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Inbound Marketing

You’ve seen the challenge. You may have been challenged or challenged others; but, what remains is a lasting impression of how one campaign raised over 3,500 times what the entire organization raised in the same timeframe last year.
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