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a managed i t service

4 Benefits of Managed IT Services for SMBs

For small and medium businesses, the challenge of managing their technology can be beyond their capabilities. Without the right IT services in place, day-to-day operations can be hampered, and long-term goals can be put at…

entrepreneurial innovation

Digital Assets: Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Innovation

The digital revolution has been an ongoing, and consistent aspect of technological innovation and development across the globe. It is a segment that has wide and varied applications and presents as one of the main…


Strengthen Cyber Security With Underdefense

Information security services are designed to help you save money on digital security and free up your IT team by ensuring that your security products are optimally configured to perform at their best and without…


A Complete Guide to Security Service Edge (SSE)

Cloud-computing, working from home, and SaaS applications that are used every day; companies need a cloud-based security service that is able to distribute security to all fronts. Security Service Edge (SSE), helps companies achieve this…

a business owner using financial management software

3 Uses of Financial Management Software to Help Your Business

Financial management software offers tools for recording and calculating the inflows and outflows of your funds. Essentially, these programs are an alternative to traditional accounting documents. If a program is developed specifically for your company,…


4 Cases Of Using No-Code Development to Help You Grow

No-code development is the practice of using open-source tools and software to create applications that were otherwise impossible to build. It can be used to create things like games, websites, and other types of software….

a business owner using workforce management software

How Workforce Management Software Streamlines Employee Management

All employers and businesses want to maximize labor efficiency and productivity and save on costs to help boost their comany’s performance. That’s where workforce management software could be helpful. It’s software that helps automate and…

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Embrace Smart Home Technology

As smart home technology continues to evolve and improve people’s everyday lives, it begs the question: why aren’t more small businesses doing the same thing? Small businesses are a cornerstone in the majority of today’s…


Cybersecurity: 5 Great Ideas for Small Businesses

While the connectivity of companies, people, and equipment increases daily, so do vulnerabilities and security risks for computer systems. Threats are multiplying today in number and sophistication, from classic phishing to more complex attacks on…

Ready-Made Website or Individually Developed? Pros & Cons

The question, “Which is a better option to create a website: a ready-made version or an individual development?” stands before the entrepreneur in 90% of cases. The differences between the options are noticeable, but all…

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