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TaxJar: Put a Lid on Sales Tax
I am very excited and pleased to introduce the online community to a great new company I’ve found. TaxJar is an amazing company that has created a tool nearly every online seller—and literally every Amazon FBA seller—can’t live without.
Start Selling Online (Free!) with 3DCart
New to this whole internet business game? Feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the stuff you don’t know but know for sure that you want to start making money online? Luckily for you, knowing how to code is no longer a requirement for getting a fully functioning online store up and running.
5 Software Programs Every Small Business Needs
If you have been in business for the last couple of decades, you have read about (and perhaps have employed) new technology that improves small business efficiencies. So how can you evaluate which is the essential software you should be leveraging daily, versus what isn’t so necessary?
How to Deal with Unpleasant Online Customers
The more you sell, the more likely you will have to deal with unpleasant customers along the way. Don’t cheat yourself of precious time by arguing with them; just handle it without emotion and as the awesome business owner that you are.
Professional Graphic Designs with 99designs
Similar to Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing has emerged as an effective means of generating graphic designs for less money and with more options to choose from than hiring a freelancer. In this tech review, I’ll discuss the advantages of initiating a Crowdsourcing campaign with 99designs.
Protecting Your Small Business from Cyber Crime
Cyber-crime is on the increase, and according to a recent report carried out by the Ponem Institute, the cost of data breaches to businesses in the US averages $188 per incident. The good news for small business owners is that most breaches can be protected with some simple, fairly inexpensive security precautions.
The Future of Web Design: Responsive?
Many in the design community will have you believe that responsive web design—websites that adjust to the appropriate size, scrolling measure, and resolution on a wide range of devices—is the best friend of search engine optimization, or SEO.
How to Implement a Successful, Secure BYOD Program
For some companies, letting employees bring their own devices to work on and connect to their secure network seems like the scariest thing since the Y2K panic. But however worrisome the unknown is, staying on top of technological trends is crucial for companies to keep their security up to date.
A Cloud-Based Expansion to the Memory Storage of Your Brain
If you don’t know what Evernote is, the core idea is a cloud-based Note system. Think like sticky notes, but digital and they can be accessed from almost any device that has an internet connection.
Pay Your Employees while on the Go
For small business owners who don’t expect to always be in the office, there need to be processes set in place that maximize productivity when working from a remote location.