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Business Phone Solutions for SMBs and Large Enterprises

Businesses would want to have the best internal communication between departments and employees. Customers and vendors are also likely to have a better relationship with the organization if accorded with efficient support, which is ensured by having effective communication systems.

The People Behind the Biggest Apps in the World

Some of the wealthiest app developers in the world made millions and even billions from mobile messaging, gaming and social networking apps. This infographic explores these app developers and how they made their millions, plus how they choose to spend it.

How is Technology Affecting Communication in the Workplace?

We have been made duly aware that we live in an Information Age, and a company’s assets arrive in the morning and leave at night. Those assets, of course, are the employees.

Is Your Business Safe in the Cloud?

We are all puzzled by the cloud, aren’t we? Well, most of us are. Regardless of the claims made by online data storage services that all our data is encrypted, there is really no guarantee.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Business Security

Whatever the size or nature of your business, ensuring the security of your staff, premises and property is going to be of the utmost importance.

Embracing Cloud Security [Infographic]

We’ve all heard about recent data breaches of the cloud in the news. If you’re considering using the cloud for your business, this recent news may be causing you to shy away. There are security solutions for the cloud, and they are effective and easy to use.

Joining the BYOD Party? Know the Details First

In BYOD systems, every eligible employee receives a company subsidy to purchase their own mobile device for work, whether that’s the latest-and-greatest notebook/smartphone or another cost effective option.

Are Your Employees Compromising Your Cyber-Security?

It does not matter what your view on the modern technologies in business is; if you are a business owner or in a management position of some kind, you will come into contact with the online world and your company will have at least some sort of a web-presence—perhaps only to the extent of storing data and sharing documents online.

Killer Startup: Lukewarm Emailer Gets You in Touch with the Right People

The Elevator Pitch: Lukewarm Emailer helps you build a list of contacts from Twitter, reach out via cold email, and track responses.

Enterprise Mobility Management: Getting It Right the First Time

We recently discussed the broad implementation of enterprise mobility standards for small and medium businesses. Today we’re going a little more in depth into the specific challenges enterprise mobility presents to business owners, managers, and IT decision-makers.

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