Marketing Plans
The Next Best Thing to Controlling Our Brand
At our recent Speaker Certification Training for a group of our Certified Go-Giver Speakers, the following was pointed out: “Bob, you are really protective of your brand.”
Do Consumers Even Want Content Marketing from Brands?
Two contrasting content marketing studies have been published in the last few months: one by WP Engine/Taylor Nelson Sofres and the other by inPowered/Nielsen.
Isn’t Content Marketing Getting Overcrowded?
To succeed at marketing, in my opinion, one should develop a multichannel marketing plan that fits with target audiences. And, if that includes a mix of traditional and digital channels for your content, go for it!
Want to Reach High-Income Baby Boomers?
If you’re targeting high-income Baby Boomers with your marketing, you’ve got to see this new research from the Luxury Institute. Affluent Baby Boomers are spending almost twice as much time with print and TV than their Millennial counterparts, while lagging in their usage of social media, online radio and online video.
Brand Strategically: How to Tell When Your Graphic Designer Doesn’t “Get” Branding
A good percentage of graphic designers see branding or re-branding as nothing more than changing the logo and marketing materials—visual solution. The reasons SME’s have for needing branding typically have very little to do with visuals per se.
A Plan Based on “Bluebirds” Is Not a Plan
Bluebirds are parts of what happens with every sales person and in every territory. However, we can’t build a plan based on bluebirds. If we did, our plan is pure wishful thinking.
The Number One Pitfall for New Inbound Marketers: Planning vs. Doing
In the brilliant words of the man responsible for Nike’s enduring tagline that says it all, “Just do it.” All too often, the problem with creative minds is that we get caught up planning and never seem find the time or the push to carry our plans out.
5 Content Marketing Tactics That Drive Traffic
If you ever wondered why some businesses seem to perpetually be able to keep online visitors interested, but you can’t figure out their secrets, chances are it has a lot to do with certain types of content.