Marketing Innovations
How to Win with Compliance Branding
At the end of the day, adhering to industry, and government compliances makes you competent to do business within your category, but it does nothing to differentiate you. You are simply on an equal footing with your compliant competitors.
Is Your Business Too Professional? Part 2
Last week we talked about ways to make your marketing more interesting by being less “professional.” Here are three actions you can take to be a little less professional, and a little more interesting and appealing to your customers.
8 Good Reasons Why You Should be Blogging
“Start a Blog.” It’s probably on your list of “shoulds” for your business. What’s holding you back? Now could be the time to start. Here are some good reasons why.
Is Your Business Too Professional? Part 1
The benefits of professionalism are well known: increased perception of respectability, authority, trust, and dependability. But is there a downside to professionalism? Is it possible to be too professional?
Pros and Cons of Infographics for Small Biz
Infographics provide eye-catching information for consumers since most people are visual learners. When handled appropriately they can drive immense traffic and even result in sales conversions.
How to Make Branding Pay Off For You
Your brand is your company’s reputation. It incorporates every touch point from within your company and outside of your company. It is how the principals, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees interact with the company.
Creating a Content Strategy
A content strategy is your road map for managing content generated by your company. It can include information on the type of content and the medium used, as well as the timing of this content.
7 Ways Small Businesses Can be Thought Leaders
You can picture your company leading the way and serving as an example for other companies—but you aren’t quite sure how to reach this level of success. You know that your company has the expertise and experience, but how can you effectively share that knowledge with professionals in your industry and your target market?
Video Marketing: Does It Have a Place in Your Company?
If you have a small business, your marketing campaign needs video. Of all the ways you can sell your business, video is the most relatable, the easiest for viewers to absorb and retain, and the most likely to be passed from one customer to the next.