Sales Activities

Will Your Prospects Read a 10-Page Sales Pitch?

If I can put a compelling letter in your hands that talks all about one of your major interests, chances are you’ll read it. Doesn’t matter whether it’s five pages or 10 pages or 20-plus.

Insight, Clarity, Execution

We all struggle to change, to do new things, to grow, to implement new strategies, initiatives, and programs. Too often, we and our customers fall short. We don’t quite achieve the goal, we change midstream, we abandon what we were seeking to achieve, pursuing something completely different.

When Salespeople Don’t Sell

What happens when sales people don’t do what they have the skills to do? When economies are good and businesses are humming along, many sales people joke that products sell themselves. But once the economy catches up and sales numbers drop, this is where the real talent rises to the surface.

How to Increase After-Holiday Sales: Fill the Gap

During the pre-holiday season customers are buying gifts for everyone on their lists, sales are good and you’re making money. What happens when the holiday buying is over and sales come to an almost screeching halt?

The Golden Rule in Selling

There is a golden rule in selling: “Spend more time with better prospects.” So, what are the characteristics of an ideal or “better” prospect? Below listed are 7.

How Small Business Owners Can Take Advantage of Black Friday

Black Friday took on its ever-so-famous name in Philadelphia in the early 1960s when the city would be packed with people and vehicles on the Friday after Thanksgiving. In recent times, it has become a major “holiday” for commerce.

“Let’s See How Much We Can Confuse Our Customers!”

If we want to optimize our results, we can’t confuse our customers or channel partners. We have to design buying experiences from their points of view. The challenges it creates for our own organizations to achieve their goals is our problem to solve, not the customer’s or the channel partners.

Selling to Whole Foods: 6 Steps to Success

Getting your product into national chains is never easy, but the rewards are big if you are persistent. The following steps will put you on the road to success.

Loyalty is not Black and White

There have been a number of articles written regarding loyalty as if it were a black-and-white topic. The authors have made loyalty appear to be a term something like pregnancy. You’re either pregnant or you’re not.

Funnel/Pipeline Games

The funnel/pipeline is a fundamental tool for sales professionals and managers. It’s the tool that helps us understand whether we are on target to meeting our goals. I spend a lot of time looking at funnels. I’ve seen all sorts of issues and potential games (inadvertent and purposeful) that are played with pipelines. I thought I’d spend a little time on a few of them.

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