Advertising and Lead Generation

21 Lead Magnet Ideas to Pull in Your Top Prospects

If you aren’t optimizing your lead magnets, consider yourself guilty of gross mismanagement! But before we toss out 20-plus lead magnet ideas for you to test out, let’s quickly define what we mean by the…

Cold Calling or Email Prospecting? The Choice Depends on Your Audience

Business media is overflowing with advice about new marketing and sales strategies that result in a satisfactory ROI. There has been a lot of talk lately about the power of Big Data and complex analytics,…

7 Classic Marketing Tools for New Customer Acquisition

Acquiring new customers is invaluable during the early stages of a business. Even the critically-acclaimed, AARRR framework startup metrics model, which helps raise businesses to heightened success levels, puts acquisition at the beginning of your…

Not Every Dollar is a Good Dollar

If every dollar looks the same, how do you know which dollars are “good” dollars for your business? The reality is – every dollar is not created equal and doesn’t serve your business in the…

Not Everyone is a Customer or a Prospect

It might seem obvious to everyone reading the title of this post. Of course we know that not everyone is a prospect or a potential customer. One would never guess that is common knowledge based…

Newspaper Advertising That Really Makes Headlines

The weekly paper is typically filled with local advertisements, usually the same small businesses ads in the same spot, at the same size, and with similar information in each issue. Why not truly make headlines?…

Are We Getting Prospecting Wrong?

Today, most of what I hear from sales people and executives is they are opportunity starved. They are all desperate to find more qualified opportunities. Prospecting and lead gen have become the dominant issues in…

An Entrepreneur’s Virtual Business Card

In the 21st century, we are all virtual entrepreneurs so we should have a digital or virtual business card! Many of the Cash Flow Show fans have asked me about the digital business card provided by Shuffle. There…

Why Your Advertising Dollars Should Go to Social Media Influencers

Back in the 1700s it took the royal family to convince people that Josiah Wedgwood’s pottery was pretty great stuff. In the 1950s you had television personalities telling people their brand of cigarettes was the…

Cold Calling is Alive and Kicking

Cold calling is alive—at least when you look at the number of posts proclaiming its death. Also, judging by the number of “cold calls” I get every day. It’s unfortunate that a discussion about cold…

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