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Does Your Small Business Need Only College Grads?

Does every small business need college grads? It’s a big question, and one that you as an owner or manager have no doubt asked yourself at some point.

5 Important OSHA Regulations You Can’t Ignore

For three decades, OSHA has helped employers prevent injuries and save lives by protecting the workforce. If a workplace is OSHA-compliant, the employer will be empowered to recognize work hazards, protect employees from illness and injury, prevent death, and cultivate educated employees who foster general safety for the entire workplace.

5 Tips to Finding and Keeping Talented Employees

Seeking new talent and acquiring it is a good thing, but having a constant turnover of employees coming and going can be detrimental to the performance, and overall sustainability of your company.

Putting a Stop to “Mean Girls”: Bullying in the Workplace

If the national spotlight on bullying has taught us anything, it’s that bullies aren’t just ornery kids picking on helpless classmates in the schoolyard. Bullies have invaded social media, and they’re becoming more prevalent in the workplace.

How to Maximize Efficiency at Your Startup

Is your startup company experiencing rapid growth? If so, it’s essential to know how to maximize efficiency, while still expanding your services. Startup owners must know how to restructure their organizations properly in order to position them for success. We go over a few of the best ways to do this below.

Eyeballs Aren’t Everything

Back when we were all trying to figure out the real value of traffic on the web, we investors—and acquiring companies—got a bit crazy with metrics used to value acquisitions and investments.

Smile + Personalization = Customer Service Success

How many times have you purchased something when it was just a transaction? How different when you the customer become a person with a LIFE in which the customer service representative takes genuine interest.

Tips for Having Your Small Business Stage a Large Event

Small businesses can throw large events. But, as you know, large events come with large responsibilities. If an event coordinator is out of your budget, you’re using in-house staff to plan the event, and each individual involved needs to wear many hats throughout the event coordination and execution process.

The Customer Satisfaction Conundrum

The bottom line is the customer satisfaction is not as simple as it used to be. No longer are customers uniquely loyal to only one brand. Certainly, it is important to maintain customer satisfaction, but the satisfaction scores by themselves are not sufficient to ensure sustainability and growth.

Should #Minwage be $100 Per Hour?

If you look at the trending tweets on twitter about #minwage, you can actually see minimum wage inflation just by reading the tweets. These are very compelling memes if they were true, but there’s more to the story.

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