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Common Legal Mistakes for Small Businesses

Regardless of the size of your company, the legal aspects of your business are critically important. Unfortunately, many small businesses fail to heed this salient fact, leaving them dangerously vulnerable and subject to serious legal exposure.

Sweat the Details

Details are so important when running any business. If you are not managing every minute detail, critical things end up falling through the cracks.

Growing Manufacturing Through Quality Processes

Everyone knows what ISO Certification is, or at least understands what it means in concept. However, while ISO Certifications garner alot of attention, the real work of improving quality in manufacturing comes in the adoption of quality processes such as Six Sigma and APQP.

3 Key Hiring Lessons for Growing Startups

When we first started building our company, I was relatively new to the hiring process, and it was daunting. This time, however, I feel a little more seasoned, and am actually looking forward to putting what we learned a couple of years ago into practice.

Why Some Innovative Leaders Get Exceptional Results

How is it that only a few business leaders and entrepreneurs seem to drive exceptional results and disruptive innovation in this rapidly changing market economy (marketquake)?

5 Important OSHA Regulations You Can’t Ignore

For three decades, OSHA has helped employers prevent injuries and save lives by protecting the workforce. If a workplace is OSHA-compliant, the employer will be empowered to recognize work hazards, protect employees from illness and injury, prevent death, and cultivate educated employees who foster general safety for the entire workplace.

Letting Staff Make Decisions in Customer Service Issues

A critical piece of every business’s customer service strategy is how you plan to handle customer concerns. When properly dealt with, complaints are an opportunity to transform angry or upset customers into extremely loyal ones.

Does Your Small Business Need Only College Grads?

Does every small business need college grads? It’s a big question, and one that you as an owner or manager have no doubt asked yourself at some point.

5 Tips to Finding and Keeping Talented Employees

Seeking new talent and acquiring it is a good thing, but having a constant turnover of employees coming and going can be detrimental to the performance, and overall sustainability of your company.

Putting a Stop to “Mean Girls”: Bullying in the Workplace

If the national spotlight on bullying has taught us anything, it’s that bullies aren’t just ornery kids picking on helpless classmates in the schoolyard. Bullies have invaded social media, and they’re becoming more prevalent in the workplace.

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